Sunday 19 October 2014

OOTD: My Answer To Smart Casual

Overlay Dress - Topshop
Blazer - New Look

Necklace - New Look

Loafers - River Island
So Friday night for my friends birthday we were going out for a meal and the dress code was 'Smart Casual'. I absolutely hate this dress code because I have no clue was smart casual actually is. I feel like every piece in this outfit could be worn in a casual outfit and in a smart outfit, so what makes it smart casual? I had to settle for this, it may be a tad too smart but who cares! These are also all great pieces for Autumn. Firstly, this t-shirt overlay dress from Topshop. Unfortunately it is no longer online but I'm sure could be found in some stores as I only bought it about a month ago. I love the tile print and the colour scheme. The overlay style is also extremely flattering and is perfect for covering up a food baby from a big meal! The over sized monochrome blazer really works well with the dress, even though there is clashing of patterns. This jacket is perfect for the not-so-cold Autumn days and nights and can jazz up any outfit. I've also found that it is quite slimming, so great if you want to hide any lumps and bumps! I call this New Look necklace my Cleopatra necklace, it is just so magnificent. To my surprise it works with any outfit I put it in. The black and gold gives the outfit an edge, the perfect statement necklace! Finally, these burgundy loafers are perfect for day or night. Burgundy is my favourite Autumn colour, giving the outfit that autumnal feel. 

So that is my Autumn answer to 'Smart Casual'. What are your favourite Autumn pieces? Let me know in the comments.

*virtual hugs*

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